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X7 Bullet

“Remember the neighborhood watch is the neighborhood snitch ride carefully”

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mini bike gear ratio 101

Want faster take off or top speed? Below is a simplified explanation no math involved. If you need an example just take a look at your 10 speed bicycle or what ever speed you got. See which gear setup gives you good top speed and which gives better off the line acceleration.

Simply put it:

>Larger clutch sprocket powering smaller rear wheel sprocket and you get
more top speed
less torque
slow take-off

>Smaller clutch sprocket powering larger rear wheel sprocket and you get
less top speed
more torque
fast take-off

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Removing a mini bike electric starter

Removing a starter is a simple process. Follow the 6 steps below. Before you start take a digital camera or pen/pencil and note pad to take notes on how you are removing the electric starter. This procedure does require some mechanical skills. Now the electric starter is not self contained like a car starter its kind of weird it’s a coil integrated into a frame. Removing the electric starter can help reduce about 3 – 4lbs off the bike and also the engine does not have an extra resistance attached to it while it spins the shaft. In case you plan to attach the starter back or are just simply replacing a defective one keep note of how you are taking it apart in the first place.

Taking it off:
1. Remove the four pull start screws.
2. Next pull the pull start off.
3. Remove the ~4” chrome bolts.
4. Pull the starter out (it holds tight requires some force)

Putting it on: Just work in reverse (Remember I said take note of how you took it off).
1. Put a couple washers on the threaded side of the four inch chrome bolts and then screw them in.
2. Put the pull start back on in reverse procedure you took it off. This is where the digital camera and note pad come in handy.

In case you decide to not put the electric starter back on sometimes the pull start cable won’t pull or the string will not go in side then you need to add a spacer to the chrome bolts to push the pull start further out try some washers.

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